
How to Prepare for Moving House

Moving house is a significant milestone, often marked by excitement, anticipation, and admittedly, a fair share of stress. From organising your belongings to managing the logistics, the process can be daunting. But fear not, with proper planning and a structured approach, moving house can become a relatively smooth process.

What to Prepare Before Moving?

In the pre-moving stage, preparation is key. These steps will help set a solid foundation for a successful move.

Create a Moving Plan

Having a comprehensive moving plan is a critical first step. This could involve deciding on the moving date, creating a timeline of tasks, and identifying any specific requirements related to your move. It’s also a good time to research moving companies and get quotes. A thorough moving plan helps in avoiding last-minute chaos.

Develop a Moving Checklist

A moving checklist acts as your roadmap throughout the move. This checklist should include tasks such as decluttering, packing, notifying necessary parties, transferring utilities, and so on. You can break down the checklist into weeks or days depending on your timeline, helping you stay organised and ensuring no tasks are missed.

Create a Budget for the Move

Moving house can come with unexpected costs. It’s essential to budget for expenses like removal services, packing supplies, storage units, and possible hotel stays. Having a clear budget will help you control your spending and prevent any unpleasant financial surprises.

Where Should I Start?

Once you have your plan, checklist, and budget in place, it’s time to delve into the specifics.

Declutter and Organise

Start by going through your belongings and decluttering your home. This includes clothes, books, kitchenware, and miscellaneous items. Keeping only what you need reduces the volume of goods to move and can save you time, effort, and money.

Hold a Garage Sale or Donate Items

Once you’ve decluttered, you can sell items that are in good condition but not needed. This can be done through a garage sale, online marketplaces, or local consignment stores. Alternatively, consider donating items to local charities or recycling centres.

Hire Professional Services

For a stress-free move, consider hiring professional moving services. They can handle the heavy lifting and ensure your belongings are safely transported. Be sure to hire a reputable company and check their insurance policies.

Gather Important Documents

Ensure all your important documents like passports, birth certificates, and medical records are in one place. Keep these in a safe and easily accessible location during the move.

Inform and Update

Notify relevant parties of your move. This includes your employer, banks, insurance providers, and subscription services. Don’t forget to inform friends and family too.

Transfer Utilities and Services

Before you move, ensure that utilities such as water, electricity, and internet services are disconnected at your current home and reconnected at your new place.

How Long Before Moving House Should I Start Packing?

Ideally, start packing non-essential items a few weeks before your move. Leaving packing to the last minute can lead to stress and broken items.

Pack Room by Room

This method helps keep items from the same area together, making unpacking at the new home much easier. Use clearly labelled boxes to avoid confusion.

Handling Fragile Items

Ensure fragile items like glassware, artwork, and electronics are packed securely with proper padding. It may be worth investing in professional packing services for these items.

Prepare for Moving Day

As the day approaches to move house, double-check that all of the details are correct.

Confirm Moving Details

Ensure the removals company has the correct address, date, and time. Verify their arrival time and any additional services you may have requested.

Pack a Survival Kit

Pack a box or bag with essentials like toiletries, clothes, medications, and important documents. This’survival kit’ will be invaluable in the first few days when most of your belongings are still packed.

Moving Day

On the day of the move, do a final walkthrough of your home to make sure nothing is left behind. Guide the movers and clarify any special instructions. Once everything is loaded, do a final check and lock up your old home.


Moving house, while challenging, can be a smooth process with careful planning. Remember, preparation is key, and ensuring each step is executed in a timely and organised manner can make your move successful and less stressful. Don’t rush the process; take your time to plan, prepare, and proceed with the move, turning this milestone into a pleasant experience.


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